Monday, December 27, 2010

film in preschool

This task was a little trickier than I thought it would be....and took a little longer.  I started with a goal of finding a clip to support inquiry--perhaps related to physical science.  I took a frightening tour through "Nana's Mad Lab" and some guy in a lab coat and a florescent yellow wig.  Somehow in the middle I watched Mercer Meyer pretend to be someone's brother read "Search for the Zaroompazo in a British accent.  This one I was almost willing to work with---literature---A-Z animal concept--but not enough illustrations and too much of Mercer Meyer's teeth.

So then I found some social studies adventures: Community Helpers, maps and Family.  The family clips that I think will be useful are youtube streams of old Sesame Street segments (like I think the last time I saw them I was four).  But they will be useful.  I also found one on the concept of maps, narrated by a young girl and with kid drawn illustrations. 

This is the link for the mapping clip
This is the link for the community helper clip---we typically do this topic in late January

In a general reflection, I think it must be very hard for a new teacher to be starting out and gathering resources on the web like this.  I watched two dozen clips and found two or three that maybe I will incorporate.  And I had the leisure of knowing that this will supplement what I see as a pretty good preschool curriculum.  Maybe the age group makes the not-so-good stuff more rampant?  Some of it was a little "campy".  But maybe with more experience, I would be better at sorting through to the gems.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


So I forgot to put in the previous post the WHY of the words in the wordle.  I think this time of year, with the focus on report cards and progress reports, my brain becomes muddled with the compartments that we put children's learning into--and the task of viewing the child as a whole, when the compartments intersect at such angles. 

I was feeling so technosavvy after the wordle that I jumped right into #3-----and NOW I'll be going to the barn...

try try again...

Luckily this deadline has been extended and I can attempt task#2 with a healthy serving of Thanksgiving day leftovers.  ANd that seems to have done the trick.  Each of the six attempts to use wordle previously ended with a few tears---a few interesting words--and self-imposed time outs in the barn.  But this time it worked easy as pie (sweet potato to be exact).
Now to add the image...I guess it just plops itself in the middle...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I am wondering why the time posted is listed as too early???

Candle Breath #456

So, I wonder what Officer Buckle would say about trying to do a this task--stretching all my technical abilities--with a dog on either side of me.  Probably it would go like this "Safety Tip #489: Use the computer only when a dog will not lick your hand and result in losing the the two steps you WERE able to accomplish.

On a more serious note, this is the second blog I've tried to create.  This one is going MUCH easier.  The written directions from the email, opened in a different window, were easier to follow than the techno lingo of my thirteen year old!