Monday, December 27, 2010

film in preschool

This task was a little trickier than I thought it would be....and took a little longer.  I started with a goal of finding a clip to support inquiry--perhaps related to physical science.  I took a frightening tour through "Nana's Mad Lab" and some guy in a lab coat and a florescent yellow wig.  Somehow in the middle I watched Mercer Meyer pretend to be someone's brother read "Search for the Zaroompazo in a British accent.  This one I was almost willing to work with---literature---A-Z animal concept--but not enough illustrations and too much of Mercer Meyer's teeth.

So then I found some social studies adventures: Community Helpers, maps and Family.  The family clips that I think will be useful are youtube streams of old Sesame Street segments (like I think the last time I saw them I was four).  But they will be useful.  I also found one on the concept of maps, narrated by a young girl and with kid drawn illustrations. 

This is the link for the mapping clip
This is the link for the community helper clip---we typically do this topic in late January

In a general reflection, I think it must be very hard for a new teacher to be starting out and gathering resources on the web like this.  I watched two dozen clips and found two or three that maybe I will incorporate.  And I had the leisure of knowing that this will supplement what I see as a pretty good preschool curriculum.  Maybe the age group makes the not-so-good stuff more rampant?  Some of it was a little "campy".  But maybe with more experience, I would be better at sorting through to the gems.